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【通知 Notice】| 暑假通知及安全注意事项 Summer Vacation Notice and Safety Tips

发布日期:2024-06-12   点击量:



Dear all,

According to ZAFU schedule, information about summer vacation and new semester will be announced below:


Summer Vacation


From July1 to August 30, 2024


2024 Autumn Semester

老生2024年9月1日当天完成报到,9月2日开始上课。Old Students finish your registration on September 1, classes begin on September 2, 2024.

新生按照录取通知书要求完成报到。New students complete registration according to the requirements of the admission notice.


Safety Tips


Report before Leaving Hangzhou

国际学生离开杭州须经国际学院审批,审批通过后方可出行;出行注意安全。International students leaving Hangzhou must be approved by International College, and can only travel after approval.Be safe when going out.



No drugs


Do not participate in group activities without permission.Drugs are strictly prohibited. No heavy drinks and smoking in public places,International Student Apartment and on campus.No gathering and noise making.


Electricity and Fire Safety

注意用电用火安全,严禁在室内使用电饭煲、电磁炉等大功率电器。出门前,请关掉所有电器电源,拔掉插头,并随手关好门、窗。Pay attention to the safety of electricity and fire. High-power appliances are strictly forbidden to use indoors.Please turn off the electrical appliances, pull out plugs and close doors and windows before going out.


Keep away from dangerous areas

严禁到水库、河流、池塘等危险区域游泳。Swimming in dangerous areas such as reservoirs, rivers and ponds is strictly prohibited.


Other Safety Tips

1. 严禁非法集会、严禁非法留宿他人、严禁吸食毒品、严禁酒驾、严禁无证驾驶,严禁从事任何违法违纪活动。Illegal gatherings, illegal accommodation of others, drug use, drunk driving,driving without a license and any illegal activities are strictly prohibited.

2. 在中国境内出行期间如遇到紧急情况,请拨打110报案,同时也请联系国际学院告知你的详细情况,可以得到相应的帮助。If something emergent happens to you, call 110 and inform International College for help.

3. 假期应格外注意用电用火安全,保管好自己的钱包、护照、钥匙等紧要物品,要有防火、防盗意识。Pay attention to fire and electricity safety. Keep your wallets, passports, keys and other important items, and be aware of fire and theft prevention.

4. 假期接到陌生电话或短信要求转账汇款或交钱的,请勿相信,切勿通过任何方式转账给任何陌生人。请通过安全渠道购物,不要在微信、QQ等社交软件购买商品,或者转发证件照片等,防止信息泄露和陷入欺诈消费。If you receive an unfamiliar phone call or text message during the vacation to request transfer, remittance or payment, please don't believe it, and don't transfer money to any stranger by any means. Please shop through secure channels, do not purchase goods on social software such as WeChat, QQ, or forward ID photos, etc., to prevent information leakage and fraudulent consumption.


We wish you a safe and happy summer vacation.

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

国内电话:0571-63748756,0571-63926891    Overseas Tel:+86-571-63741155,+86-571-63926893    Email:iczafu@163.com

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