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【通知 Notice】| 2024年国教学院暑假国际学生助理招聘公告

发布日期:2024-06-12   点击量:



Dear all,

The summervacation is approaching. The college will recruit vacation assistants to ensure the work during the vacation.

招聘人数 Number


10 Assistants

招聘对象 Applicants


All international students in China

招聘要求 Requirements

1. 责任心强、具有良好沟通能力,服从安排,吃苦耐劳。

Assistants shall have strong sense of responsibility, good communication and cooperation skills.

2. 暑假期间必须全部在校,手机、微信畅通。

Assistants shall be on campus from June 29 to September 1and 24 hours on call.

3. 住宿部、学生干部、公寓住宿学生优先考虑。

ISU members and on-campus students are preferred.

工作职责 Duties

1. 协助负责学生办公室和宿舍的日常管理工作。Assist the management of student affair office and dormitory.

2. 学院楼及宿舍内值班区域的开关门及打扫内部卫生。Assist the management of dutyrooms and areas.

3. 校园内外夜晚巡逻,进行出入公寓的学生登记工作,学生暑期的宿舍检查工作,校内外信息的核对及检查确认工作。Assist the inspection, check the information and other affairs.

4. 值班期间,有特殊情况及时报告值班老师,协助进行处理。Special cases shall be reported to the teacher on duty in time and help with issues.

5. 所有助理将合作完成暑假工作,除负责自己负责职责外,如发生突发情况或其他需要协助情况,应随叫随到。All assistants shall cooperate with each other. You are required to be on call in case of any emergencies or other issues.

6. 暑假工作完毕,将进行考核,完成日常职责发放助理基本工资,其他工作配合良好给予奖励,如存在推诿、手机关机、擅自离岗、不履行工作职责或者违纪等情况,将视情节扣除工资并影响奖学金资格。There will be evaluation of every assistant when the work is completed in February. The salary will be delivered according to your performance.

报名方式 Registration

2024年6月17日前请用中文手写申请书,提交给学3-519办公室并确认,6月20日将根据录取结果单独通知本人,并组织暑期国际学生助理工作培训,欢迎大家踊跃报名。Register at Student Affair Office (College Building 3519)withhand-written application letter in Chinese before June 17, 2024.The result will be announced onJune 20,2024to those who are recruited directly. Assistant training will be held later. Please go and register as soon as possible.

地址:浙江省杭州市临安区武肃街666号    Address:666 Wusu Street,lin'an District,Hangzhou,China 311300

国内电话:0571-63748756,0571-63926891    Overseas Tel:+86-571-63741155,+86-571-63926893    Email:iczafu@163.com

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